Held on the waves (J.T. Mawson)

Matthew 14:22–33

Locuri din Biblie: Matthäus 14     Cuvinte cheie: Examinations

It was night and the disciples of our Lord were afloat upon the Sea of Galilee. He had remained upon the quiet mountain-side in prayer to His Father, and we are sure that His disciples had a place in His prayer, but He looked through the darkness ... mai multand beheld them toiling uselessly, for the waves rolled high. His heart was moved with compassion as He saw how the storm baffled them, and from His peaceful retreat He stepped out upon the sea to go to them. His appearance, as he strode from wave to wave, affrighted them, but His voice quickly calmed them.

“Abba Father” (J.T. Mawson)

Cuvinte cheie: Abba Father     Vorlesezeit: 5 min

“Abba, Father” (J.T. Mawson)

The babes know the Father, and ABBA is the language of the babe; yet there is a sweetness and wealth of meaning in it that the oldest saint on earth has not wholly comprehended. It is remarkable that it has been left untranslated into our English ... mai multtongue, and, indeed Paul, as inspired by the Holy Ghost did not give its equivalent in Greek, in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6. It is left there as the Lord Himself used it, when in His agony of blood He bowed down in prayer in the Garden.

“Care for the Saints” (J.T. Mawson)

Locuri din Biblie: John 20     Cuvinte cheie: Service/Ministry; Ministry to the Lord