Darby, John Nelson: Worldliness

From an old letter

Keywords: Worldliness

I never felt the same distrust of myself as I do now in writing this, and I desire to speak to my own conscience as to you.

Hole, Frank Binford: The great Illusion dispelled

Scriptures: 1 John 2     Keywords: Worldliness

The name of this greatest of all illusions is—The world. By this, of course, is meant, not the material earth, not the people comprising its population, but the great “world-system” with its supply of every imaginable gratification ... morefor human desires, without God. In this fearful and wonderful organization, evolved by the master-mind of Satan, we have all had our share. Its favours fall to the few, its miseries are tasted by the many; but whatever may have been the particular part played, my reader, if unconverted, is inevitably involved in it with the prospect of sharing in its ultimate ruin.