New Articles
of the last months

Worldliness (J.N. Darby)

From an old letter

Online since: 29.06.2024     Keywords: Worldliness

I never felt the same distrust of myself as I do now in writing this, and I desire to speak to my own conscience as to you.

“Abba, Father” (J.T. Mawson)

Online since: 29.06.2024

The babes know the Father, and ABBA is the language of the babe; yet there is a sweetness and wealth of meaning in it that the oldest saint on earth has not wholly comprehended. It is remarkable that it has been left untranslated into our English ... moretongue, and, indeed Paul, as inspired by the Holy Ghost did not give its equivalent in Greek, in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6. It is left there as the Lord Himself used it, when in His agony of blood He bowed down in prayer in the Garden.

The Red Heifer (J.N. Darby)

Numbers 19:1–10

Online since: 11.06.2024     Scriptures: Numbers 19     Keywords: Cleansing

The blood of the red heifer was sprinkled seven times where we meet God in intercourse. This marks the full efficacy of Christ’s blood when I meet God. The body was reduced to ashes, as Christ was judged and condemned for what I am apt to be ... morecareless about; but God is not careless, and would make me sensible of sin. Christ had to suffer for it, and it is gone; but the sight of His suffering shews me the dreadfulness of it.

“Widows indeed” (E. Dennett)

1 Timothy 5

Online since: 25.05.2024     Scriptures: 1 Timothy 5; Luke 2; Luke 7; Luke 21; Revelation 18     Keywords: Widow

Three characteristics are given of the “widow indeed.” She is “desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.” A true widow, then, before God will exemplify these characters; and it is ... morenot a little remarkable that three widows are found in the gospel of Luke who exactly answer to the particulars of this description.

The Burnt Offering (S. Ridout)

Leviticus 3

Online since: 13.05.2024

The burnt offering was the chief of the sweet savor sacrifices, being offered up completely to God, and going up in all its savor to Him. Primarily, it was wholly for Him, although the offerer could see in it the measure of his own acceptance. It ... moretypified Him who offered Himself to God for a sacrifice, “a sweet smelling savor.”

“The End of all Things is at Hand” (E. Dennett)

1 Peter 4:7–8

Online since: 13.03.2024     Scriptures: 1 Peter 4     Keywords: New Year's Eve; Coming of the Lord; End Time

It may be well questioned whether we are as deeply conscious of the instability of things around and of the approaching end as were the early Christians. At the close of the year, or of any other period of time, we may be impressed with it; but it ... moreis very doubtful if we live daily with the thought that all things are rapidly heading up for the Lord’s interposition in power to establish His kingdom. The fact and the teaching of Scripture we are acquainted with, for the subject is often dwelt upon in conversation and in the ministry of the Word; and yet, somehow or another, we relapse into counting upon the continuance of all things as they have been from the beginning of the creation.

Grace and glory (H. Smith)

Psalm 84

Online since: 28.02.2024     Scriptures: Psalm 84     Keywords: Grace

This beautiful Psalm gives prophetically the latter day experiences of the godly remnant of Israel, when, delivered from their long captivity, they travel back to God’s dwelling place in Zion. The spirit of grace that breathes throughout the ... morePsalm makes it easier, than in many other Psalms, to draw from it an application to the Christian, as he too passes on his pilgrim way to the Father’s house on high.

What is salvation? (W. Kelly)

Salvation means known conscious deliverance!

Online since: 21.02.2024     Keywords: Salvation; Deliverance

Salvation always means a great deal more than that my sins are judged in the death of Christ. Salvation means that I am brought consciously to know God in the triumph of redemption by Christ for me. Hence it will be found that in the doctrine of the ... moreNew Testament there is never the allowance of such a thought as that salvation is only the beginning of the blessing.

Church Theories among Brethren (J.H. Burridge)

Online since: 06.01.2024     Keywords: Unity of the Spirit; Body of Christ; Church: Independence; Church: Depencence; Church: Nature

Held on the waves (J.T. Mawson)

Matthew 14:22–33

Online since: 01.01.2024     Scriptures: Matthäus 14     Keywords: Examinations

It was night and the disciples of our Lord were afloat upon the Sea of Galilee. He had remained upon the quiet mountain-side in prayer to His Father, and we are sure that His disciples had a place in His prayer, but He looked through the darkness ... moreand beheld them toiling uselessly, for the waves rolled high. His heart was moved with compassion as He saw how the storm baffled them, and from His peaceful retreat He stepped out upon the sea to go to them. His appearance, as he strode from wave to wave, affrighted them, but His voice quickly calmed them.

Fullness of Joy (Author unknown)

Online since: 01.12.2023     Scriptures: John 15; John 16; John 17     Keywords: Joy

John William Hugh Nichols (1867–1860) (Author unknown)

Online since: 01.12.2023     Keywords: Biographies; Men of faith

Notes on Philippians III. (Author unknown)

Walking by Faith 

Online since: 20.11.2023     Scriptures: Philippians 3

Samuel 1–7 (J.G. Bellett)

Online since: 20.11.2023     Scriptures: 1 Samuel 1;1 Samuel 2;1 Samuel 3;1 Samuel 4;1 Samuel 5;1 Samuel 6;1 Samuel 7

”Men om ni har fått det, vad skryter ni då med?” (D.R. Reid)

1 Korinthierbrevet 4:7; Lukas 12:48

Online since: 11.10.2023     Scriptures: 1. Korinther 4; Lukas 12     Keywords: Ermutigung; Stolz; Gaben (Geistesgaben); Dienst für den Herrn

Gud skapade oss som vi är och har gett oss eller inte gett oss vissa förmågor efter sitt gottfinnande. Han känner oss genom och igenom och håller oss inte ansvariga för talanger som han inte har gett oss: ”Han ... morekänner vår struktur, är medveten om att vi är stoft” (Ps 103:14). Guds grund för att döma barnen i sin familj är alltid ”efter vad någon har och inte efter vad någon inte har” (2 Kor

Paulus brev till romarna (5) (B. Anstey)

Kapitel 5

Online since: 08.10.2023     Scriptures: Römer 5

De första elva verserna i kapitel 5 handlar om hur Gud handlar i rättfärdighet för att säkra välsignelse för den ogudaktige syndare som tror. Med utgångspunkt i det centrala ordet "Eftersom vi ... moredärför ..." beskriver Paulus de stora resultat eller fördelar som har kommit den troende till del genom rättfärdiggörelsen. Från vers 12 går han vidare till att tala om "synden" och Guds befrielse från dess makt.

Hur man viger sitt liv till Herren Jesus (B. Anstey)

Från Bruce Ansteys ungdom

Online since: 31.08.2023     Keywords: Invigning; Självbiografisk

Stanley Bruce Anstey föddes den 15 september 1954 i Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada, där han tillbringade sina tidiga år. Han blev frälst som barn. I början av 1963 flyttade familjen till Richmond, British Columbia, på ... moreKanadas västkust, och han har bott i området sedan dess. Bruce och hans fru Kathy arbetade tillsammans i kristen tjänst under många år: Han skrev artiklar och böcker och hon hjälpte till med att formatera skrifterna samt annat viktigt och värdefullt arbete bakom kulisserna. De har fyra barn, varav två är gifta, och två barnbarn.

Abba, Father (G.F. Barlee)

Mark 14:36; Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:14.15

Online since: 20.04.2023     Scriptures: Mark 14; Galatians 4; Romans 8     Keywords: Abba Father

In the different accounts of our blessed Lord’s prayer and anguish in the garden, Mark alone uses the words Abba, Father. Abba is a Syriac word signifying Father, but in a way of peculiar affection and confidence. On searching through the New ... moreTestament, we find that only twice more is the word Abba used, and on each occasion with the wonderfully expressive term Father following it. These are found in Rom. 8 and Gal. 4; but, wonderful thought, it is no more our blessed Lord Jesus Who uses this term of intimacy, but those who have been redeemed by His precious blood. It is those who have received the adoption of sons.

Purpose of Heart! (G.F. Barlee)

Online since: 30.03.2023     Scriptures: Proverbs 23; Ezra 7; Daniel 1; Acts 11     Keywords: Love to God/Lord

In the closing days of this dispensation. what is the condition of soul most usually met with in the greater number of Christian assemblies? Is it not almost uniformly laxity and lukewarmness, with very little heart for Christ? Yet what our blessed ... moreLord most craves for, (I write with all reverence) is surely the heart affection of His beloved saints. There may be much scriptural knowledge, combined with great zeal for work; but nothing can take the place of deep heart affection: “My son, give Me thine heart” (Proverbs 23:26).

The Name of Jesus (G.F. Barlee)

Online since: 25.03.2023     Keywords: Jesus: as Man; Jesus: as Christ; Jesus: Name

In Scripture, names are of considerable interest, and their meanings are often remarkable.

Growth or Backsliding (G.F. Barlee)

Are we growing in grace or are we backsliding?

Online since: 10.03.2023     Scriptures: 2. Peter 3     Keywords: Love to God/Lord; Growth of the Christian

In all creation growth always indicates the presence of life, and whenever this ceases, the reason is certainly either disease or death. This is also the case with those who, in Christ, have part in new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). ... But as in ... morenatural life, in which all human beings commence their earthly career as babes, and gradually grow into mature age, so the believer is first seen as a babe in Christ.

Spiritual Slothfulness (G.F. Barlee)

Online since: 10.03.2023     Keywords: Earthly life orientation; Life orientation: earthly; Zeal

In these last days there is a very real danger threatening the children of God, most insidious, and therefore more dangerous. This is spiritual slothfulness. In former times when, to confess Christ entailed the loss of all one’s possessions, ... moreand possibly of life itself, this danger hardly existed. The risk was so real and great that a man had to be in deadly earnest before taking it. But in Christendom generally all that is now past, each man thinks and believes as he likes, and no one takes any notice.

“Give me an express text!” (Autor unbekannt)

Knowing the mind of God

Online since: 10.03.2023     Keywords: Obedience; God's will

It alters the character of Christianity to make it a system of commandments. …

The Closing Days of Christendom (J.N. Darby)

Collective Restoration or Individual Faith?

Online since: 06.03.2023

I have just been thinking how the great apostate systems, whether civil or ecclesiastical, are destined to advance in strength and magnificence, as their day of doom and judgment approaches. Witness the condition of the WOMAN in Revelation 18, and ... morethat of the BEAST in Revelation 18 and 19. And I ask, Is not this present moment through which we are passing giving pledges of this? Do we not see the great apostate ecclesiastical system advancing to occupy itself of the world with something of giant strides? And is not the world, as a civil or secular thing, spreading itself out in improvements and attainments, and cultivation of all desirable and proud things, beyond all precedent? Are not these things so, beyond the question of even the very least observant? And are they not pledges that all is now on the high road to the full display of the Woman and of the Beast in their several forms of greatness and grandeur, which are thus, according to God’s word, destined to precede their judgment?

Isaiah 6:1-13; Revelation 1:10-19. (W.J. Hocking)

Address by Mr. W.J. Hocking. No. 21.

Online since: 13.02.2023     Scriptures: Isaiah 6; Revelation 1     Keywords: Ministry to the Lord     Reading Time: 31 min

Malachi 3:6–18 (W.J. Hocking)

Address by Mr. W.J. Hocking. No. 26.

Online since: 13.02.2023     Scriptures: Malachi 3     Reading Time: 35 min

“Care for the Saints” (J.T. Mawson)

Online since: 24.01.2023     Scriptures: John 20     Keywords: Service/Ministry; Ministry to the Lord

Hebron (E.C. Pressland)

Online since: 17.01.2023     Scriptures: Numbers 13     Keywords: Hebron

The Red Heifer (E.C. Pressland)

Numbers xix.

Online since: 17.01.2023     Scriptures: Numbers 19

The Sin-Offering (E.C. Pressland)

Online since: 17.01.2023     Scriptures: Leviticus 4     Keywords: sin sacrifice

Fulness of Joy (P. Willis)

John 15 to 17

Online since: 10.01.2023     Scriptures: Johannes 15; Johannes 16; Johannes 17     Keywords: Eternal Life; Joy

The Male in the Offerings (W.H. Westcott)

Online since: 08.01.2023     Scriptures: Leviticus 1; Leviticus 4     Keywords: Burnt offering; sin sacrifice

Walter Bligh Westcott (1871–1936)

Online since: 19.12.2022     Keywords: Biographies; Men of faith

A New Start (W.B. Westcott)

Online since: 17.12.2022     Keywords: Conversion

“I don’t know what’s come over Jack,” says one who was once the boon companion of the man referred to; “I can’t get him to do anything now that he used to do. He won’t go to the theatre or the dance, and, as ... morefor a glass or a smoke, he tells me that he’s burnt his pipe, and is not going to taste liquor any more! This is what he calls being converted, but what I call going mad. And yet he seems happy enough, which is more than I can understand.” What has “come over Jack” and all those who have been similarly “converted”?

The Blessing of Levi (R. Elliott)

Deuteronomy 33: 8-11

Online since: 03.12.2022     Scriptures: Deuteronomy 33

Care and Its Cure (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Cares

Divine Excess (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Genesis 48     Keywords: Examinations; Cares; Sufferings: general

God’s Providence (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

Joy in Suffering (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Consolation; Peace in Circumstances; Cares; Joy; Sufferings: general

The Book of the Revelation (R. Elliott)

Its Message and Meaning Historical and Futurist Views Considered.

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Revelation     Keywords: Dispensationalism

The Day of Trouble (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Psalm 50     Keywords: Cares

The God of all comfort (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 1     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

The Grave (R. Elliott)

A Message to Mourners Concerning the Power and Sympathy of Christ (John 11)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: John 11     Keywords: Consolation; Death

The Heart Knoweth his Own Bitterness (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

The Lord Hath His Way (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Nahum 1     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

The Lord of Peace (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: 2 Thessalonians 3     Keywords: Consolation; Peace in Circumstances; Cares

The Meaning of Suffering (R. Elliott)

or Reflections on the Great War

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Consolation; Peace in Circumstances; Cares; Sufferings: general

The Peace Which Passes All Understanding (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Phillipians 4     Keywords: Cares

Things That Make People Anxious (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Cares

Trials - Their Meaning and Use (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: James 1     Keywords: Examinations; Cares

Why Art Thou Cast Down? (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Psalm 42     Keywords: Examinations; Cares; Sufferings: general

Words for the Worried (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: John 14     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

Words to the Weary and Encouragement to the Faint (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Isaiah 40; Romans 5     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

“A Wealthy Place” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Psalm 66     Keywords: Examinations; Cares; Sufferings: general

“Abide with us” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Luke 24

“An Instrument of Ten Strings” (R. Elliott)

Psalm 92:3

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Psalm 92     Keywords: Cares

“Angels in White” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: John 20     Keywords: Cares

“By These Things Men Live” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Isaiah 38     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

“How Long, O Lord?” – “ Until.” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Revelation 6     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

“I will never, never let go your hand.” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Keywords: Consolation; Peace in Circumstances; Cares; Sufferings: general

“More Than Conquerors” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Romans 8     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

“The Years That the Locust Hath Eaten” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Joel 2     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

“Why Are Ye Troubled?” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 02.12.2022     Scriptures: Luke 24     Keywords: Consolation; Cares

Shipwrecked : or “Driven Up and Down in Adria.” (R. Elliott)

Online since: 30.11.2022     Scriptures: Acts 27

A Few Words on John 5:17-27. (R. Elliott)

With Remarks on Recent Doctrine Concerning the Trinity.

Online since: 25.10.2022     Scriptures: John 5     Keywords: Trinity; Jesus: as Son; Eternal Life

“Abba Father” (J.T. Mawson)

Online since: 06.07.2022     Keywords: Abba Father     Reading Time: 5 min

Psalm 22 (G.V. Wigram)

Online since: 03.02.2022     Scriptures: Psalm 22     Keywords: Sufferings of the Lord

“Happy New Year!” (H.F. Witherby)

Online since: 01.01.2022     Keywords: New Year's (for ...)

We are at the beginning of a new year and new hopes and new promises fill many hearts. Since God has marked out our lives in portions of time, having made the lights in the heaven to be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, it behooves ... moreus as His creatures, to consider our entry into a new era of time.

“The End of all Things is at Hand” (E. Dennett)

1 Peter 4:7-8

Online since: 28.12.2021     Scriptures: 1 Peter 4     Keywords: New Year's Eve; Coming of the Lord; End Time

It may be well questioned whether we are as deeply conscious of the instability of things around and of the approaching end as were the early Christians. At the close of the year, or of any other period of time, we may be impressed with it; but it ... moreis very doubtful if we live daily with the thought that all things are rapidly heading up for the Lord’s interposition in power to establish His kingdom. The fact and the teaching of Scripture we are acquainted with, for the subject is often dwelt upon in conversation and in the ministry of the Word; and yet, somehow or another, we relapse into counting upon the continuance of all things as they have been from the beginning of the creation …

Ambition (S.L. Jacob)

Is ambition good?

Online since: 10.12.2021     Keywords: Life of faith; Discipleship

Ambition is especially the sin of the great, and the greatest of all wrongs are due to it. Satan transgressed by reason thereof, and his followers still pursue with eagerness the same course, seeking greatness by following the desires of their own ... morehearts. Yet there is such a thing as laudable ambition …

Bethany (T. Oliver)

Characteristics of Christian Life: Fellowship, Service, Worship

Online since: 02.12.2021

Bethany means the “House of Palms,” hence is indicative of a place of rest, e.g. an oasis in the desert. There is scriptural evidence that the Lord was wont to resort to Bethany when he was in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem. It would not ... morebe difficult to arrive at the correct conclusion as to the reason of His doing so. There were loyal hearts there who appreciated his company and prized his love.

Christless Religion! (W.T. Turpin)

Matthew 7:22-23

Online since: 09.11.2021     Scriptures: Matthew 7     Keywords: Gospel; Church; Regeneration

It may appear harsh to some who read this paper to have it stated that Christ is left out of the religion, or so-called Christianity of the great bulk of professors. Christianity is a word used to signify that a man is neither a Jew, Turk, infidel, ... morenor heretic, but without any sense of a soul really brought out of the world to God. In the popular use of the word, a man is said to be a good Christian though he has never believed on Jesus, has never known the forgiveness of his sins, has never known Christ. Then religion, too, is said to be the common portion of nearly all decent professors.

Some Key Words of the Epistle to the Hebrews (R. Elliott)

Online since: 24.10.2021     Scriptures: Hebrews

The Administration of the Ages: Being Remarks on the Epistle to the Ephesians (R. Elliott)

Online since: 24.10.2021     Scriptures: Ephesians

The Son (W.H. Westcott)

Lettter by W.H. Westcott concerning the Interpretation of John 1:18 by J. Taylor

Online since: 25.03.2021     Scriptures: John 1     Keywords: Sonship

I have read over Mr. Taylor’s exposition, and without entering into controversy over his exploration of Greek prepositions, entirely dis­agree with his conclusion as to John 1: 18. ...

Life’s Journey (R. Elliott)

The Road to Emmaus

Online since: 24.01.2021     Scriptures: Luke 24

The Eternal Son (R. Elliott)

With Special Reference to a Pamphlet by C.A. Coates

Online since: 24.01.2021     Keywords: Jesus: as Son

The Gates of Jerusalem. (R. Elliott)

Online since: 24.01.2021     Keywords: Sectarian behaviour; Church: Sectarianism; Parties and sects

The Truth as to The Trinity (R. Elliott)

With Special Reference to a pamphlet by C.A.Coates

Online since: 24.01.2021     Keywords: Trinity; Jesus: as Son

Bild: © DS
Dirk Schürmann (SoundWords)

Online since: 16.01.2021

Dirk Schürmann, born in 1962, married, two children, living in Wuppertal, was privileged to grow up in a Christian family where his parents taught him to appreciate the Word of God and where he also found faith in the Lord Jesus.

Editors (SoundWords)

Online since: 16.01.2021

Short biography of the editors

Frank Binford Hole (1874–1964) (J.S. Blackburn)

Online since: 16.01.2021     Keywords: Biographies; Men of faith

Frank Binford Hole was a man of God. His long life was marked by faithfulness, devotion, patience and hope. His memory is best honoured by remembering the massive pillars of the faith in which he laboured, lived and died. The conspicuous feature of ... morehis life was that he lived and laboured in the Christian Faith, and was constrained to do so by personal experience of the love of Christ.

Hamilton Smith (1862–1943) (L. Hodgett)

Online since: 16.01.2021     Keywords: Biographies; Men of faith

Hamilton Smith is a much loved expositor of the Scriptures. He wrote on many different portions of the Bible but is probably best known for his character studies of Abraham, Elijah, Elisha, Joseph, and Ruth which have been published in several ... morelanguages. His writings are terse and yet do not lack content as a consequence of their brevity. One of his effective teaching methods is short, profound comparisons and contrasts. His book on the Song of Solomon is a classic example of the way his writings draw out the heart to the One he served so faithfully all his life.

Jacob’s Dream – its New Testament Fulfillment (H. Smith)

Genesis 28; Hebrews 13,5b

Online since: 16.01.2021     Scriptures: Genesis 28; Hebrews 13     Keywords: Letter to the Hebrews; Jacob

The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews 1 alludes to the fine scene recorded in Genesis 28. In Hebrews 13:5, we read, “He has said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Thus the promise made to Jacob is appropriated to the ... moreChristian. So we may rightly conclude that in the story of Genesis 28 there is a shadowing forth of good things to come. In Genesis God is speaking to one of the fathers in a dream; in the Epistle to the Hebrews we have, no longer the partial revelation of a dream, but, the full revelation in the Person of the Son.

The great Illusion dispelled (F.B. Hole)

Online since: 16.01.2021     Scriptures: 1 John 2     Keywords: Worldliness

The name of this greatest of all illusions is—The world. By this, of course, is meant, not the material earth, not the people comprising its population, but the great “world-system” with its supply of every imaginable gratification ... morefor human desires, without God. In this fearful and wonderful organization, evolved by the master-mind of Satan, we have all had our share. Its favours fall to the few, its miseries are tasted by the many; but whatever may have been the particular part played, my reader, if unconverted, is inevitably involved in it with the prospect of sharing in its ultimate ruin.

Unshakeable things (F.B. Hole)

Hebrews 13:1–6

Online since: 16.01.2021     Scriptures: Hebrews 13

How striking a testimony would be rendered if we were marked by that brotherly love which expresses itself in hospitality and practical sympathy, by natural love preserved in undefiled honour, and by a holy contentment, the fruit of the realized ... morepresence of God, and the very opposite of the mad covetousness and discontent of the world.

Corona – are we being cheated? (SoundWords)

Online since: 10.01.2021     Keywords: Corona

Not only through the Corona demonstrations, but also in our private circle we have been quickly confronted with the claim that everything is actually quite different with regard to Covid-19, that we are permanently fooled by scientists and ... morepoliticians, robbed of our freedom and our basic rights through restrictions here and obligations there, and fed with fake news.

On our own account (SoundWords)

Frequently Asked Questions

Online since: 25.12.2020

We are often asked questions that we would like to answer here in general. Of course, we are not surprised that we hear some questions again and again, because we do not want to address only Christians of a certain group with this internet work, but ... morewe want to serve the church in general.

Divine Attributes and The Second Man (W.T. Whybrow)

Online since: 16.11.2020     Keywords: Jesus: as Man

The Truth of Christ’s Person: Is It Taught by Mr. F.E. Raven? (W.T. Whybrow)

Online since: 16.11.2020     Keywords: Jesus: as Man

Bild: SoundWords
Is there more than one gospel? (SoundWords)

Online since: 20.10.2020     Scriptures: Matthäus 24,14; Apostelgeschichte 20,24; 1Timotheus 1,11; Offenbarung 14,6.7

Question: Have there been distinct gospels preached at different times? Are there differences in the content of the gospels which have been preached? Answer: It is unmistakable that there are different facets related to the word ... more“gospel” in Scripture. Depending on which subject the word “gospel” is added to, different aspects of the gospel are emphasized. Some people might think we would teach that we find two different gospels in the Bible. But it is not enough if we assume the Bible just teaches two different gospels. We can not only distinguish between the “gospel of the kingdom” (Mt 24:14) and the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24) but also...

Is the Lord Jesus our King?  (S. Isenberg)

Is it scriptural to sing of the Lord Jesus as the King?

Online since: 28.07.2020     Scriptures: Apostelgeschichte 17; Matthäus 13; Matthäus 24     Keywords: Songs; Jesus: as King; King

Soft Skills – Hard Skills (D. Schürmann)

Key drivers for success

Online since: 28.07.2020     Keywords: Success

It has shown that individual personalities with all their aptitudes and capabilities (which are called soft skills) are often more important than professional qualifications. Every sector requires different skills: communication skills or teamwork, ... moresensitivity, sociability or the gift to motivate others to reach a shared goal. In business it has shown that three soft skills are elementary and crucial, which are also crucial for the success of our “business” for the Lord:

Each Member – A Help or a Hindrance: Which? (C.H. Mackintosh)

A question for all in the assembly

Online since: 10.05.2020     Scriptures: 1. Cor 12     Keywords: Church: Meetings; Guidance of the Spirit

There is a vast difference between an assembly of people gathered round some gifted man, and one gathered simply to the Lord Himself, on the ground of the one body. It is one thing to be gathered by ministry, and quite another to be gathered to it. ... moreIf people are merely gathered to ministry, when the ministry goes they are apt to go too. But when earnest, true-hearted, devoted souls are gathered simply to the Lord Himself, then, while they are most thankful for true ministry when they can get it, they are not dependent upon it. They do not value gift less, but they value the Giver more. They are thankful for the streams, but they depend only upon the Fountain.

The unequal yoke (C.H. Mackintosh)

Online since: 10.05.2020     Article: 5     Scriptures: 2. Korinther 6:14-18     Keywords: Yoke; Unequal yoke

The unequal yoke (1) (C.H. Mackintosh)


Online since: 10.05.2020     Scriptures: 2. Korinther 6:14-18     Keywords: Yoke; Unequal yoke

The unequal yoke (2) (C.H. Mackintosh)

The marriage yoke

Online since: 10.05.2020     Scriptures: 2. Korinther 6:14-18     Keywords: Yoke; Unequal yoke

The unequal yoke (3) (C.H. Mackintosh)

The commercial yoke

Online since: 10.05.2020     Scriptures: 2. Korinther 6:14-18     Keywords: Yoke; Unequal yoke

The unequal yoke (4) (C.H. Mackintosh)

The religious yoke

Online since: 10.05.2020     Scriptures: 2. Korinther 6:14-18     Keywords: Yoke; Unequal yoke

The unequal yoke (5) (C.H. Mackintosh)

The philanthropic yoke

Online since: 10.05.2020     Scriptures: 2. Korinther 6:14-18     Keywords: Yoke; Unequal yoke

A Joyful Message (I. Fleming)

Online since: 09.05.2020

I know if the Lord were to come tonight I should not be left behind, because I know that I am ready to go, and I long to see the face of the One who died for me, and I do feel like singing all the day because my sins are washed away, and I ... morecan’t help loving the One who died to wash them away.

A Life that is Worth Living (I. Fleming)

Online since: 09.05.2020

To begin a life which is worth living one must have spiritual life – a new life altogether. It was this which Nicodemus could not understand. Our Lord had said, “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” ... moreNicodemus answered, “How can a man be born when he is old?” As a religious leader of the Jews he could understand ordinances and observances, but to be “born again” – to have a new beginning of life altogether – puzzled him completely.

A Meditation on the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ (I. Fleming)

Online since: 09.05.2020

The secret source and spring and power of all real godliness is found in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ. There can be no true piety without a true Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the believer and who produces in his life all that is ... morefruit for God, ever stresses the truth concerning the glorious Person of the Son of God, that our hearts may be engaged with Him, and that beholding His glory we may become like Him and express Him in our walk and ways.

A New Year’s Reflection (I. Fleming)

Online since: 09.05.2020

A Remarkable Confession and Prophecy (the words of Agur, the son of Jakeh) (I. Fleming)

Online since: 09.05.2020     Scriptures: Proverbs 30:14

Blessed indeed it is, when we have felt “weary of self and laden with our sin,” to have our eyes directed by the Holy Ghost to Him who is “the Man of God’s right hand, the Son of Man” whom He “has made strong for ... moreHimself.”

A Song of Hope (I. Fleming)

Online since: 09.05.2020

Peace in Four Phases (C. Knapp)

Online since: 01.11.2018     Keywords: Peace with God

Peace has been procured. “Having made peace.” You need not seek to make it, anxious sinner. Jesus made it. He made the world beneath your feet. You could not make a world. And though you lived and laboured, worried and wept ten thousand ... morelives away, you could not contribute one iota towards making that which has been already made—peace with God.

Psalm 3 (P.A. Humphery)

Salvation is of the Lord

Online since: 01.11.2018     Scriptures: Psalm 3

The third psalm gives us another thing. Passing over the second, and going back to the first psalm, it seems to give us the position in this world of the blessed Lord Himself, and also our position. It shows Him surrounded by enemies. It is the ... moredescription of the path, and of the infinitely-blessed resources, for Him who is for God in this world. There is nothing more important or more necessary for us. We may speak of sorrows, distresses, and failures; what we have lost, and what we have fallen from; but what remains? What is the remedy? What we have here. It is nearness to Himself. The spirit of the world is just opposed to this. “There is no help for him in God.” That is the way the world points at the separated One (Matt. 27:43); and the world does so still towards those that are of Him and for Him in it. In the third psalm we have the enemies, the surroundings; and the One who is here for God is the blessed Lord Himself. So it is written, “I cried, and He heard.” That is the great point with us. It is not merely crying because of sorrows and difficulties here, but it is having the sense in our souls that He hears.

Psalm 51 (P.A. Humphery)

A Man after God’s Own Heart

Online since: 01.11.2018     Scriptures: Psalm 51

I have not read this psalm in view of its dispensational meaning. I suppose most of us know that it is the confession of the believing Jewish remnant before God, on the ground of having caused the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. They confess their ... morebloodguiltiness, and thus come into blessing – the fruit of that death in expiation. What I wish you now to look at a little is the personal, directly personal, application and meaning of the psalm. There is a wonderful reality in it, and in its meaning too. You may say the Psalms do not apply to Christians, that the Christian state is beyond them; but here, at any rate, is a psalm that, if we will only consider it simply, will search our hearts in the reality of having to do with God. We have here the characteristics of a man after God’s own heart, for David was such a man. But how was this true of him? What was there in him, and about him, in his life and ways, to entitle him to this distinction? A little study of this psalm will help us to understand, as we get light from God upon it, what it is to be in this world according to the heart of God.

What is a Christian’s Rule of Life, Christ or the Law? (T.B. Baines)

Online since: 01.11.2018     Scriptures: Romans 7     Keywords: Law of Sinai

It is commonly taught among Christians, that the believer’s rule of walk is the moral law, or the Ten Commandments. It is admitted, of course, by all, that the believer is not justified by the deeds of the law, and that if the law be thus ... moreused, it will only add to man’s condemnation. His justification must clearly be by grace, and on the principle of faith; but when justified, what is the standard by which his life is to be governed? This, it is generally held, is the moral law, which was undoubtedly the rule given to Israel, and for its own purpose is, therefore, as perfect as all the other works of God’s hands. It is true that believers are said to be under grace, and not under law; but this, it is maintained, applies to justification, not to walk. They are urged also not to return to law, but this is explained to mean the ceremonial law, not the moral. These distinctions are intelligible, but are they scriptural? Where does the word of God speak of a believer as being under the law for one purpose, and not for another? Where does it declare that while the ceremonial law is abrogated, the moral law is still in force as the rule for Christian walk? No doubt there is a distinction between the moral and ceremonial law, and also between the law as a ground of justification, and the law as a rule of life; but when this distinction is used to make Scripture harmonize with theology, it behoves us to inquire whether Scripture is thus fairly interpreted.

The Mind that was in Christ (R. Elliott)

Online since: 30.07.2016