The Closing Days of Christendom (J.N. Darby)

Collective Restoration or Individual Faith?

I have just been thinking how the great apostate systems, whether civil or ecclesiastical, are destined to advance in strength and magnificence, as their day of doom and judgment approaches. Witness the condition of the WOMAN in Revelation 18, and ... morethat of the BEAST in Revelation 18 and 19. And I ask, Is not this present moment through which we are passing giving pledges of this? Do we not see the great apostate ecclesiastical system advancing to occupy itself of the world with something of giant strides? And is not the world, as a civil or secular thing, spreading itself out in improvements and attainments, and cultivation of all desirable and proud things, beyond all precedent? Are not these things so, beyond the question of even the very least observant? And are they not pledges that all is now on the high road to the full display of the Woman and of the Beast in their several forms of greatness and grandeur, which are thus, according to God’s word, destined to precede their judgment?

The Red Heifer (J.N. Darby)

Numbers 19:1–10

Scriptures: Numbers 19     Keywords: Cleansing

The blood of the red heifer was sprinkled seven times where we meet God in intercourse. This marks the full efficacy of Christ’s blood when I meet God. The body was reduced to ashes, as Christ was judged and condemned for what I am apt to be ... morecareless about; but God is not careless, and would make me sensible of sin. Christ had to suffer for it, and it is gone; but the sight of His suffering shews me the dreadfulness of it.

Worldliness (J.N. Darby)

From an old letter

Keywords: Worldliness

I never felt the same distrust of myself as I do now in writing this, and I desire to speak to my own conscience as to you.