Nu mai păcătuiești? (F.B. Hole)

1 Ioan 3.9

Online seit: 01.11.2022     Bibelstellen: 1 Ioan 3.9     Stichwörter: Păcat; Eliberare

Păcatul nu este niciodată complet îndepărtat din credincios? Păcătuiește el până la sfârșitul vieții sale? La urma urmei, citim în 1 Ioan 3.9: „Oricine este născut din Dumnezeu nu practică păcatul”.

What is salvation? (W. Kelly)

Salvation means known conscious deliverance!

Online seit: 21.02.2024     Stichwörter: Salvation; Deliverance

Salvation always means a great deal more than that my sins are judged in the death of Christ. Salvation means that I am brought consciously to know God in the triumph of redemption by Christ for me. Hence it will be found that in the doctrine of the ... mehrNew Testament there is never the allowance of such a thought as that salvation is only the beginning of the blessing.